I have a lot of dimension packages in SSIS that all insert a default record for unknown dimension values. It's a lot of repetitive and boring work. Is there an alternative for creating an insert query manually?
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A typical dimension package |
Instead of creating an insert query manually for each dimension table you could also create a Stored Procedure to do this for you. Instead of the insert query in the Execute SQL Task you execute this Stored Procedure in the Execute SQL Task.
-- TSQL code USE [datamart] GO /****** datamart: StoredProcedure [dbo].[InsertUnknownDimensionRow] ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[InsertUnknownDimensionRow](@TableName nvarchar(128)) AS BEGIN -- This Stored Procedure inserts a record in the dimension table -- for unknown dimension values. It generates an insert statement -- based on the column datatypes and executes it. -- The integer column with identity enabled gets the value -1 and -- all other columns get a default value based on their datatype. -- Columns with a default value are ignored. -- Create temporary table for column specs of dimension table DECLARE @TableSpecs TABLE ( COLUMN_ID int identity, COLUMN_NAME nvarchar(128), DATA_TYPE nvarchar(128), CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH int, COLUMN_IS_IDENTITY bit ) -- Use the information schema to get column info and insert it -- to the temporary table. INSERT @TableSpecs SELECT C.COLUMN_NAME , C.DATA_TYPE , C.CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH , columnproperty(object_id(C.TABLE_SCHEMA + '.' + C.TABLE_NAME) , C.COLUMN_NAME, 'IsIdentity') AS COLUMN_IS_IDENTITY FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS C WHERE QUOTENAME(C.TABLE_NAME) = QUOTENAME(@TableName) AND C.COLUMN_DEFAULT IS NULL ORDER BY C.ORDINAL_POSITION -- Variables to keep track of the number of columns DECLARE @ColumnId INT SET @ColumnId = -1 DECLARE @ColumnCount INT SET @ColumnCount = 0 -- Variables to create the insert query DECLARE @INSERTSTATEMENT_START nvarchar(max) DECLARE @INSERTSTATEMENT_END nvarchar(max) SET @INSERTSTATEMENT_START = 'INSERT INTO ' + QUOTENAME(@TableName) + ' (' SET @INSERTSTATEMENT_END = 'VALUES (' -- Variables to complete the insert query with -- extra enable and disable identity statements -- You could add an extra check in the loop to -- make sure there is an identity column in the -- table. Otherwise the SET IDENTITY_INSERT -- statement will fail. DECLARE @IDENITYSTATEMENT_ON nvarchar(255) DECLARE @IDENITYSTATEMENT_OFF nvarchar(255) SET @IDENITYSTATEMENT_ON = 'SET IDENTITY_INSERT ' + QUOTENAME(@TableName) + ' ON;' SET @IDENITYSTATEMENT_OFF = 'SET IDENTITY_INSERT ' + QUOTENAME(@TableName) + ' OFF;' -- Variables filled and use the WHILE loop DECLARE @COLUMN_NAME VARCHAR(50) DECLARE @DATA_TYPE VARCHAR(50) DECLARE @CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH INT DECLARE @COLUMN_IS_IDENTITY BIT -- WHILE loop to loop through all columns and -- create a insert query with the columns WHILE @ColumnId IS NOT NULL BEGIN -- Keep track of the number of columns SELECT @ColumnId = MIN(COLUMN_ID) , @ColumnCount = @ColumnCount + 1 FROM @TableSpecs WHERE COLUMN_ID > @ColumnCount -- Check if there are any columns left IF @ColumnId IS NULL BEGIN -- No columns left, break loop BREAK END ELSE BEGIN -- Get info for column number x SELECT @COLUMN_NAME = COLUMN_NAME , @DATA_TYPE = DATA_TYPE , @CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH = CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH , @COLUMN_IS_IDENTITY = COLUMN_IS_IDENTITY FROM @TableSpecs WHERE COLUMN_ID = @ColumnCount END -- Start building the begin of the statement (same for each column) SET @INSERTSTATEMENT_START = @INSERTSTATEMENT_START + @COLUMN_NAME + ',' -- Start building the end of the statement (the default values) IF @COLUMN_IS_IDENTITY = 1 BEGIN -- Default value if the current column is the identity column SET @INSERTSTATEMENT_END = @INSERTSTATEMENT_END + '-1,' END IF @DATA_TYPE IN ('int', 'numeric', 'decimal', 'money', 'float', 'real', 'bigint', 'smallint', 'tinyint', 'smallmoney') AND (@COLUMN_IS_IDENTITY = 0) BEGIN -- Default value if the current column is a numeric column, -- but not an identity: zero SET @INSERTSTATEMENT_END = @INSERTSTATEMENT_END + '0,' END IF @DATA_TYPE IN ('char', 'nchar', 'varchar', 'nvarchar') BEGIN -- Default value if the current column is a text column -- Part of the text "unknown" depending on the length SET @INSERTSTATEMENT_END = @INSERTSTATEMENT_END + '''' + LEFT('Unknown', @CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH) + ''',' END IF @DATA_TYPE IN ('datetime', 'date', 'timestamp', 'datatime2', 'datetimeoffset', 'smalldatetime', 'time') BEGIN -- Default value if the current column is a datetime column -- First of january 1900 SET @INSERTSTATEMENT_END = @INSERTSTATEMENT_END + '''' + CONVERT(varchar, CONVERT(date, 'Jan 1 1900')) + ''',' END IF @DATA_TYPE = 'bit' BEGIN -- Default value if the current column is a boolean SET @INSERTSTATEMENT_END = @INSERTSTATEMENT_END + '0,' END END -- Remove last comma from start and end part of the insert statement SET @INSERTSTATEMENT_START = LEFT(@INSERTSTATEMENT_START, LEN(@INSERTSTATEMENT_START) - 1) + ')' SET @INSERTSTATEMENT_END = LEFT(@INSERTSTATEMENT_END, LEN(@INSERTSTATEMENT_END) - 1) + ');' -- Execute the complete statement EXEC (@IDENITYSTATEMENT_ON + ' ' + @INSERTSTATEMENT_START + ' ' + @INSERTSTATEMENT_END + ' ' + @IDENITYSTATEMENT_OFF) END GO -- Tweak the code for your own needs and standards -- Optional extra check if you don't want to truncate -- your dimensions: is there already a default/unknown -- record available
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Execute Stored Procedure |
Note: only the most common datatypes are handled. Add more if-statements if you expect data types like varbinary, xml, image or sql_variant