I want to import and export Environments to/from my SSIS Catalog. Doing it manually in SSMS takes ages. How can you do that more quickly?
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I want to export this environment |
I will ago I created a couple of PowerShell scripts to deploy environments to your SSIS Catalog with a CSV file, database table or an array as source. The script below is a follow up that allows you to export one or more environments as json files, but also has an import method to deploy those exported environments to a Catalog: Get-CatalogEnvironment and Set-CatalogEnvironment.
This is an example of how you execute the two methods. It first starts with importing a separate script file with various methods and then you can either execute the Get or the Set method:
# PowerShell code # If you have trouble executing a PowerShell due an Execution Policy then run # the following script. Note that you need to run PowerShell as administrator # More information: https://technet.microsoft.com/nl-nl/library/ee176961.aspx # Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted # Include functions from a secondairy file . "$PSScriptRoot\Ssisfunctions.ps1" # Download example Get-CatalogEnvironment -SsisServer "mySqlServer\myInstance" -ExportPath "c:\backup\" -FolderName MyEnvFolder -EnvironmentName MyEnvName -Verbose # Upload example Set-CatalogEnvironment -SsisServer "mySqlServer\myInstance" -FolderName MyEnvFolder -EnvironmentName MyEnvName -ImportFilePath "C:\temp\employees.json" -DeleteExistingEnvironment $true -Verbose
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Example of execution |
The environment json files look like this:
[ { "Name":"FolderStageFiles", "Description":"Location of stage files", "Type":"String", "Sensitive":false, "Value":"d:\\sources\\" }, { "Name":"FtpPassword", "Description":"Secret FTP password", "Type":"String", "Sensitive":true, "Value":$3cr3t }, { "Name":"MIS_STG_Connectionstring", "Description":"Connectionstring to stage database", "Type":"String", "Sensitive":false, "Value":"Data Source=.\\sql2016;Initial Catalog=MIS_STG;Provider=SQLNCLI11.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Auto Translate=False;" }, { "Name":"NumberOfRetries", "Description":"Number of retries for Webservice Task", "Type":"Int16", "Sensitive":false, "Value":3 } ]
You can also get detailed help information and instructions with the standard PowerShell method. Get-Help. It allows you to see examples or the see which parameter is mandatory or optional.
# PowerShell code # Getting help about the commands Get-Help Set-CatalogEnvironment -detailed Get-Help Get-CatalogEnvironment -example
And this is the content of the Ssisfunctions.ps1 file containing the various methods. Take a look and let me know if you have any improvements
# PowerShell code: Ssisfunctions.ps1 (v0.1) <# .Synopsis Download one or more environments from an SSIS Catalog as JSON files .DESCRIPTION This functions allows you to download an Environment from the SSIS Catalog. By leaving out the foldername or environmentname you can also download multiple files. All files are downloaded as JSON files in the format [FolderName].[EnvironmentName].json Example file of export: [ { "Name":"FolderStageFiles", "Description":"Location of stage files", "Type":"String", "Sensitive":false, "Value":"d:\\sources\\" }, { "Name":"FtpPassword", "Description":"Secret FTP password", "Type":"String", "Sensitive":true, "Value":null }, { "Name":"MIS_STG_Connectionstring", "Description":"Connectionstring to stage database", "Type":"String", "Sensitive":false, "Value":"Data Source=.\\sql2016;Initial Catalog=MIS_STG;Provider=SQLNCLI11.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Auto Translate=False;" }, { "Name":"NumberOfRetries", "Description":"Number of retries for Webservice Task", "Type":"Int16", "Sensitive":false, "Value":3 } ] .PARAMETER SsisServer Mandatory: The name of the SQL Server instance that runs the SSIS Catalog .PARAMETER FolderName Optional: The name of the Catalog folder that contains the Environment .PARAMETER EnvironmentName Optional: The name of the Environment .PARAMETER ExportPath Optional: The fully qualified path where the json files will be saved. Default value: c:\temp\ .PARAMETER Verbose Optional: Get more logging information on the screen .EXAMPLE Get-CatalogEnvironment -SsisServer "myServer\myInstance" -ExportPath "c:\backup\" -FolderName myCatalogFolder -EnvironmentName myEnvironmentName .EXAMPLE Get-CatalogEnvironment -SsisServer "myServer\myInstance" -ExportPath "c:\backup\" -Verbose .NOTES You cannot get the value of sensitive variables.The value will be NULL in the export file. Current scripts works for SSIS 2016. Change version number in code to use an other version of SSIS. .LINK https://microsoft-ssis.blogspot.com/ #> Function Get-CatalogEnvironment { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)] [ValidateLength(1,50)] # String must be between 1 and 50 chars long [string]$SsisServer, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=1)] [ValidateLength(1,128)] # String must be between 1 and 128 chars long [string]$FolderName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=2)] [ValidateLength(1,128)] # String must be between 1 and 128 chars long [string]$EnvironmentName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=3)] [string]$ExportPath = "C:\temp\" ) # Don't continue after error $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" ################################################# ############## SHOW ALL PARAMETERS ############## ################################################# Write-Verbose "=========================================================" Write-Verbose "== Used parameters - Get-CatalogEnvironment ==" Write-Verbose "=========================================================" Write-Verbose "SSISServer : $($SsisServer)" Write-Verbose "FolderName : $($FolderName)" Write-Verbose "EnvironmentName : $($EnvironmentName)" Write-Verbose "ExportPath : $($ExportPath)" Write-Verbose "=========================================================" ################################################# ############### ADD SSIS ASSEMBLY ############### ################################################# # Change assembly version number to use an other SSIS version # = SSIS 2016 # = SSIS 2014 # = SSIS 2012 $SsisNamespace = "Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.IntegrationServices" Add-Type -AssemblyName "$($SsisNamespace), Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91" ################################################# ############ CONNECT TO SSIS SERVER ############# ################################################# # First create a connection to SQL Server $SqlConnectionstring = "Data Source=$($SsisServer);Initial Catalog=master;Integrated Security=SSPI;" $SqlConnection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection $SqlConnectionstring # Then use that SQL connection to create an # Integration Services object. $IntegrationServices = New-Object $SsisNamespace".IntegrationServices" $SqlConnection # Check if connection succeeded If (!$IntegrationServices) { Throw [System.Exception] "Failed to connect to server $($SsisServer)" } Else { Write-Verbose "Connected to server $($SsisServer)" } ################################################# ########### CONNECT TO SSIS CATALOG ############# ################################################# # Create object for SSISDB Catalog $Catalog = $IntegrationServices.Catalogs["SSISDB"] # Check if the SSISDB Catalog exists If (!$Catalog) { # Catalog does not exist. Throw [System.Exception] "SSISDB catalog does not exist" } Else { Write-Verbose "SSISDB catalog found" } ################################################# ############## CHECK EXPORT FOLDER ############## ################################################# # Check if folder exists If (-Not (Test-Path $ExportPath)) { # Create new folder New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $ExportPath | Out-Null Write-Host "Folder created: " $ExportPath } Else { Write-Verbose "Folder $($ExportPath) found" } ################################################# ############# LOOP THROUGH FOLDERS ############## ################################################# # Loop though all folder or filter on a folder name Foreach ($Folder in $Catalog.Folders | WHERE {$_.Name -eq $FolderName -or (!$FolderName)}) { # Loop though all environments or filter on a environment name Foreach ($Environment in $Folder.Environments | WHERE {$_.Name -eq $EnvironmentName -or (!$EnvironmentName)}) { Write-Host "Exporting $($ExportPath)$($Folder.Name).$($Environment.Name).json" $Environment.Variables | Select-Object -Property Name,Description,@{Name='Type';Expression={"$($_.Type)"}},Sensitive,Value | ConvertTo-Json -Compress | Out-File "$($ExportPath)$($Environment.Parent.Name).$($Environment.Name).json" # Show warnings if the environment contains sensitive variables $Environment.Variables | Select-Object -Property Name,Sensitive | Where {$_.Sensitive -eq $True} | ForEach-Object { Write-Warning "Variable $($_.Name) is sensitive. Cannot retrieve its value" } } } } <# .Synopsis Upload a json environment file to an SSIS Catalog .DESCRIPTION This functions allows you to upload an Environment to the SSIS Catalog. It can update (no deletes) or replace an existing environment. Example file which can be imported: [ { "Name":"FolderStageFiles", "Description":"Location of stage files", "Type":"String", "Sensitive":false, "Value":"d:\\sources\\" }, { "Name":"FtpPassword", "Description":"Secret FTP password", "Type":"String", "Sensitive":true, "Value":$3cr3t }, { "Name":"MIS_STG_Connectionstring", "Description":"Connectionstring to stage database", "Type":"String", "Sensitive":false, "Value":"Data Source=.\\sql2016;Initial Catalog=MIS_STG;Provider=SQLNCLI11.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Auto Translate=False;" }, { "Name":"NumberOfRetries", "Description":"Number of retries for Webservice Task", "Type":"Int16", "Sensitive":false, "Value":3 } ] .PARAMETER SsisServer Mandatory: The name of the SQL Server instance that runs the SSIS Catalog .PARAMETER FolderName Mandatory: The name of the Catalog folder where the Evironment will be stored .PARAMETER EnvironmentName Mandatory: The name of the Environment .PARAMETER ImportFilePath Mandatory: The fully qualified path of the json file that needs to be imported .PARAMETER DeleteExistingEnvironment Optional: Setting to $true first deletes an existing environment. Default value: $false .PARAMETER Verbose Optional: Get more logging information on the screen .EXAMPLE Set-CatalogEnvironment -SsisServer "MYSERVER\myInstance" -FolderName MyEnvFolder -EnvironmentName MyEnvName -ImportFilePath "C:\backup\Environments.Generic.json" -DeleteExistingEnvironment $true .EXAMPLE Set-CatalogEnvironment -SsisServer "MYSERVER\myInstance" -FolderName MyEnvFolder -EnvironmentName MyEnvName -ImportFilePath "C:\backup\Environments.Generic.json" -Verbose .NOTES You cannot insert null values. The will be skipped with a warning Current scripts works for SSIS 2016. Change version number in code to use an other version of SSIS. .LINK https://microsoft-ssis.blogspot.com/ #> Function Set-CatalogEnvironment { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)] [ValidateLength(1,50)] # String must be between 1 and 50 chars long [string]$SsisServer, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)] [ValidateLength(1,128)] # String must be between 1 and 128 chars long [string]$FolderName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=2)] [ValidateLength(1,128)] # String must be between 1 and 128 chars long [string]$EnvironmentName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=3)] [ValidateScript({Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Leaf})] # File must exist [ValidatePattern(‘.json$’)] # Extension must be .json [string]$ImportFilePath, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=4)] [bool]$DeleteExistingEnvironment = $false ) # Don't continue after error $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" ################################################# ############## SHOW ALL PARAMETERS ############## ################################################# Write-Verbose "=========================================================" Write-Verbose "== Used parameters - Set-CatalogEnvironment ==" Write-Verbose "=========================================================" Write-Verbose "SSISServer : $($SsisServer)" Write-Verbose "FolderName : $($FolderName)" Write-Verbose "EnvironmentName : $($EnvironmentName)" Write-Verbose "ImportFilePath : $($ImportFilePath)" Write-Verbose "DeleteExistingEnvironment : $($DeleteExistingEnvironment)" Write-Verbose "=========================================================" ################################################# ############### ADD SSIS ASSEMBLY ############### ################################################# # Change assembly version number to use an other SSIS version # = SSIS 2016 # = SSIS 2014 # = SSIS 2012 $SsisNamespace = "Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.IntegrationServices" Add-Type -AssemblyName "$($SsisNamespace), Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91" ################################################# ############ CONNECT TO SSIS SERVER ############# ################################################# # First create a connection to SQL Server $SqlConnectionstring = "Data Source=$($SsisServer);Initial Catalog=master;Integrated Security=SSPI;" $SqlConnection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection $SqlConnectionstring # Then use that SQL connection to create an # Integration Services object. $IntegrationServices = New-Object $SsisNamespace".IntegrationServices" $SqlConnection # Check if connection succeeded If (!$IntegrationServices) { Throw [System.Exception] "Failed to connect to server $($SsisServer)" } Else { Write-Verbose "Connected to server $($SsisServer)" } ################################################# ########### CONNECT TO SSIS CATALOG ############# ################################################# # Create object for SSISDB Catalog $Catalog = $IntegrationServices.Catalogs["SSISDB"] # Check if the SSISDB Catalog exists If (!$Catalog) { # Catalog does not exist. Different name used? Throw [System.Exception] "SSISDB catalog does not exist" } Else { Write-Verbose "SSISDB catalog found" } ################################################# ################## CHECK FOLDER ################# ################################################# # Create object to the (new) folder $Folder = $Catalog.Folders[$FolderName] # Check if folder exists If (!$Folder) { # Folder doesn't exists, so create the new folder. Write-Host "Creating new folder $($FolderName)" $Folder = New-Object $SsisNamespace".CatalogFolder" ($Catalog, $FolderName, $FolderName) $Folder.Create() } Else { Write-Verbose "Folder $($FolderName) found" } ################################################# ################## ENVIRONMENT ################## ################################################# # Create object for the (new) environment $Environment = $Folder.Environments[$EnvironmentName] # Check if folder already exists If (-not $Environment) { Write-Host "Creating new environment $($EnvironmentName) in $($FolderName)" $Environment = New-Object $SsisNamespace".EnvironmentInfo" ($Folder, $EnvironmentName, $EnvironmentName) $Environment.Create() } ElseIf($DeleteExistingEnvironment -and $Environment) { Write-Verbose "Environment $($EnvironmentName) found with $($Environment.Variables.Count) existing variables" Write-Host "Dropping and recreating environment $($EnvironmentName) in $($FolderName)" $Environment.Drop() $Environment = New-Object $SsisNamespace".EnvironmentInfo" ($folder, $EnvironmentName, $EnvironmentName) $Environment.Create() } Else { Write-Verbose "Environment $($EnvironmentName) found with $($Environment.Variables.Count) existing variables" } ################################################# ############### GET FILE CONTENT ################ ################################################# Write-Verbose "Reading $($ImportFilePath)" $EnvironmentInput = Get-Content -Raw -Path $ImportFilePath | ConvertFrom-Json ################################################# ################### VARIABLES ################### ################################################# # Keep track of number of updates and inserts $InsertCount = 0 $UpdateCount = 0 # Loop through file content $EnvironmentInput | Select-Object -Property Name,Description,Type,Sensitive,Value | ForEach-Object { # Get variablename from json and try to find it in the environment $Variable = $Environment.Variables[$_.Name] # Make sure each variable has a value If ($_.Value.ToString().Length -eq 0) { Write-Warning "Variable $($_.Name) skipped because it has no value" } else { # Check if the variable exists If (-not $Variable) { # Insert new variable Write-Verbose "Variable $($_.Name) added" $Environment.Variables.Add($_.Name, $_.Type, $_.Value, $_.Sensitive, $_.Description) $InsertCount = $InsertCount + 1 } else { # Update existing variable Write-Verbose "Variable $($_.Name) updated" $Variable.Type = $_.Type $Variable.Value = $_.Value $Variable.Description = $_.Description $Variable.Sensitive = $_.Sensitive $UpdateCount = $UpdateCount + 1 } } } $Environment.Alter() Write-Host "Finished, total inserts $($InsertCount) and total updates $($UpdateCount)" }
Later on I will add various extra methods for example to test the existence of an environment, to delete an environment, to move an environment, to copy an environment, to rename an environment or to connect an environment to a project. Please let me know if you have any suggestions for extra functionality or improvements!