Is there an easy way to create and populate a time(/date) dimension?
Creating a time dimension is usually done once and probably not in SSIS, but with a TSQL script.
For each new assignment I use this script and adjust it to the requirements for that particular assignment .
-- Delete time dimension if it already exists. IF Exists(Select Name from sysobjects where name = 'Dim_Time') BEGIN Drop Table Dim_Time END GO -- Standard options for creating tables SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO -- Create your dimension table -- Adjust to your own needs Create Table dbo.Dim_Time ( Dateid int IDENTITY (1,1) PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED, Date date, DateString varchar(10), Day int, DayofYear int, DayofWeek int, DayofWeekName varchar(10), Week int, Month int, MonthName varchar(10), Quarter int, Year int, IsWeekend bit, IsLeapYear bit ) -- Declare and set variables for loop Declare @StartDate datetime, @EndDate datetime, @Date datetime Set @StartDate = '2000/01/01' Set @EndDate = '2020/12/31' Set @Date = @StartDate -- Loop through dates WHILE @Date <=@EndDate BEGIN -- Check for leap year DECLARE @IsLeapYear BIT IF ((Year(@Date) % 4 = 0) AND (Year(@Date) % 100 != 0 OR Year(@Date) % 400 = 0)) BEGIN SELECT @IsLeapYear = 1 END ELSE BEGIN SELECT @IsLeapYear = 0 END -- Check for weekend DECLARE @IsWeekend BIT IF (DATEPART(dw, @Date) = 1 OR DATEPART(dw, @Date) = 7) BEGIN SELECT @IsWeekend = 1 END ELSE BEGIN SELECT @IsWeekend = 0 END -- Insert record in dimension table INSERT Into Dim_Time ( [Date], [DateString], [Day], [DayofYear], [DayofWeek], [Dayofweekname], [Week], [Month], [MonthName], [Quarter], [Year], [IsWeekend], [IsLeapYear] ) Values ( @Date, CONVERT(varchar(10), @Date, 105), -- See links for 105 explanation Day(@Date), DATEPART(dy, @Date), DATEPART(dw, @Date), DATENAME(dw, @Date), DATEPART(wk, @Date), DATEPART(mm, @Date), DATENAME(mm, @Date), DATENAME(qq, @Date), Year(@Date), @IsWeekend, @IsLeapYear ) -- Goto next day Set @Date = @Date + 1 END GO
Interesting links:
Let me know if you have an interesting addition for this script that could help others.
UR GOD man!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot! :D
ReplyDeleteVery good script! Thanks.
ReplyDeleteThanks excellent example!
ReplyDeletethank you very much..! :)
ReplyDeleteNice Article, Thanks......
If anyone re-writes this for the BISM tabular model post it here....
ReplyDeleteWorked perfectly!
Thanks, it worked good & very easy to follow,