Saturday 11 April 2015

Reading sensitive parameters in a script

I have a sensitive parameter in my package with a password in it. I want to use it in a Script Task, but when I try that it throws an error: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. Can I use a sensitive parameter in a Script Task or Component?

Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.

Yes you can read sensitive package and project parameters in the Script Task, but with a minor change in the code.

1) Lock for read
First open the Script Task editor and add the parameter to the ReadOnlyVariables field to lock it for read in the script.

2) The Script
Open the VSTA environment by clicking in the Edit Script button. In the Main method you have something like this at the moment:
// C# Code (incorrect)
public void Main()
    // Create string variable to store the parameter value
    string mySecretPassword = Dts.Variables["$Package::MySecretPassword"].Value.ToString();

    // Show the parameter value with a messagebox
    MessageBox.Show("Your secret password is " + mySecretPassword);

    // Close the Script Task with success
 Dts.TaskResult = (int)ScriptResults.Success;

Change the .Value in to .GetGetSensitiveValue() in order to retrieve the sensitive information. But from now on you are responsible for not leaking the sensitive information accidentally!

// C# Code (correct)
public void Main()
    // Create string variable to store the parameter value
    string mySecretPassword = Dts.Variables["$Package::MySecretPassword"].GetSensitiveValue().ToString();

    // Show the parameter value with a messagebox
    MessageBox.Show("Your secret password is " + mySecretPassword);

    // Close the Script Task with success
 Dts.TaskResult = (int)ScriptResults.Success;
The Result
Now run the script to see the result.
Note: This GetSensitiveValue method is not available in the Script Component. And when using the .Value you get an error: Accessing value of the parameter variable for the sensitive parameter "MySecretPassword" is not allowed. Verify that the variable is used properly and that it protects the sensitive information. A tricky/ugly workaround could be to use a Script Task to retrieve the sensitive parameter and to save it in a regular package variable and then use the variable in the Script Component (but be careful!).
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